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The latest women in business statistics in the UK

Women have been making significant strides in the business world in recent years, with many breaking barriers and making a mark in their respective industries. In the UK, there have been several recent statistics that highlight the progress that women are making in business. In this blog, we will explore some of the most notable statistics and provide references for further reading.

Here are some of the latest women in business statistics to be aware of!

women in business statistics

  1. The number of female entrepreneurs in the UK has increased by 40% in the past decade. This statistic, which was reported by NatWest Bank, highlights the significant increase in the number of women starting their own businesses in the UK. In 2019, there were 1.5 million self-employed women in the UK, up from 1.1 million in 2009.
  2. Women make up 34% of board members in FTSE 100 companies. This statistic, reported by the Hampton-Alexander Review, shows that progress is being made in increasing the number of women in senior leadership roles in UK businesses. However, there is still work to be done to reach the target of 33% of board positions being held by women by 2020.
  3. Women-led businesses in the UK generate £105 billion in revenue. This statistic, reported by the Rose Review of Female Entrepreneurship, highlights the significant economic contribution that women-led businesses are making in the UK. However, the review also found that women-led businesses are still significantly underrepresented in terms of access to funding and investment.
  4. Women are starting businesses in the UK at twice the rate of men. This statistic, reported by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, highlights the growing trend of women taking on entrepreneurial roles in the UK. However, the report also found that women-led businesses are less likely to be high-growth and to access external funding.
  5. Women in the UK are paid on average 15.5% less than men. This statistic, reported by the Office for National Statistics, highlights the persistent gender pay gap that exists in the UK. While progress has been made in recent years, there is still a significant disparity between the average salaries of men and women.

These recent statistics demonstrate the progress that women in business are making in the UK business world. While there is still work to be done to address issues such as the gender pay gap and lack of access to funding, the increasing number of women starting businesses and taking on leadership roles is a positive sign for the future.

Beth Hellowell
Founder of Women in Agencies and co-founder of Signify Digital. Mother, social media scroller and frequent pasta eater.