great books for business owners

Great books for digital agency owners

At Women in Agencies we are obsessive about personal development! We all know that reading books is a great way to learn, develop ourselves and switch off for a short amount of time each day. We have compiled a list of our top 5 books to read for digital agency owners!

  1. The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries “The Lean Startup” is a popular book among entrepreneurs and digital agency owners alike. It provides a methodology for building startups and digital agencies that are more capital efficient, using continuous innovation to create a sustainable business model. The book stresses the importance of testing ideas, measuring progress, and iterating quickly to find success.
  2. Contagious: Why Things Catch On” by Jonah Berger In “Contagious,” Berger explores the science behind why certain products and ideas become popular while others fail. The book highlights the six principles of contagiousness – social currency, triggers, emotion, public, practical value, and stories – and provides real-world examples of how these principles have been used to create successful marketing campaigns.
  3. Building a StoryBrand” by Donald Miller “Building a StoryBrand” is a guide for digital agency owners looking to clarify their brand message and create a more compelling story for their clients. The book emphasizes the importance of putting the customer at the center of the story and focuses on creating a narrative that resonates with them on a deeper level.
  4. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert Cialdini “Influence” is a classic marketing book that explores the psychology behind why people say “yes” to certain requests. Cialdini outlines six principles of influence – reciprocation, commitment and consistency, social proof, liking, authority, and scarcity – and provides actionable strategies for using them to improve your marketing and sales efforts.
  5. Digital Marketing Strategy” by Simon Kingsnorth “Digital Marketing Strategy” is a comprehensive guide to building and executing a successful digital marketing campaign. The book covers everything from creating a customer persona to developing a content strategy and measuring ROI. It also includes case studies and real-world examples of successful digital marketing campaigns.

What books have we missed off? There are literally hundreds of amazing books for business owners and personal development guides! We wanted to look into why personal development for digital agency owners is so important. Here is a quick run down of our top reasons why you should be thinking about personal development along side the management of your agency (as if you have the time right haha!).

books for digital agency owners

Personal development for business owners aided by great business books

Improve your leadership skills

As a busy agency owner, you could be responsible for leading and managing a team. By investing in personal development and reading books for agency owners, you can improve your leadership skills, which in turn can positively impact your team and your business. Leadership development can help you communicate more effectively, inspire and motivate your team, and make better decisions. We love this book She thinks like a boss.

Keep up with industry changes

The digital marketing industry and agency world is constantly evolving at a crazy rate. New technologies, AI, platforms, and strategies emerge regularly, and it’s important to stay up to date with these changes. By investing in personal development, you can stay on top of industry trends and changes and ensure that your agency remains competitive and relevant. Reading books and joining agency focused communities is a great way to do this so that you can have your ear to the ground on the latest industry developments while making valuable personal connections.

Manage stress and burnout

Running a digital agency or working freelance can be stressful and demanding, and burnout is a real risk for many agency owners and a challenge everyone will face at some point especially when you are going through a period of agency growth! No question! Taking time to read as a digital agency owner along side ongoing personal development can help you manage stress and avoid periods of burnout. This is a great book for freelancers with many tips that translate to all kinds of business management. By focusing on self-care, mindfulness, and stress-management techniques, you can maintain your well-being and avoid the negative impact of chronic stress.

Increase creativity and innovation

This is a big one! Our ongoing innovation and creativity, along with curiosity are essential to success in agency ownership. Making agency connections with other women in business, as well as reading recommended business books and personal development can help you increase your creativity and generate innovative ideas. By investing in activities that promote creativity, such as meditation, mindfulness, and journaling, you can tap into your inner resources and generate new ideas for your business. We find many members share questions around business challenges they are facing or share their successes, this community support is vital to innovation for agency owners! This book Why has nobody told me this before is another great read for agency owners looking for inspiration and development.

What books have we missed? We would love to hear your recommended reads for digital agency owners! Get in touch at [email protected]

Beth Hellowell
Founder of Women in Agencies and co-founder of Signify Digital. Mother, social media scroller and frequent pasta eater.